Saturday, 14 March 2015

File polling frequency setting in SOA

Issue : Files were not getting picked up from  sftp location .


Touch the files in sftp location and go to EM console to do as shown in screenshot,

Click on the composites >>Service/Reference Properties>>FTP adapter get <specific composite>data and change polling frequency.

EM login slowness issue

  1. Navigate to fmwc System mBean browser.



Access following AdminServer mBean for setting the cache property.

    • emoms.props:Location=AdminServer,,type=Properties,Application=em

Setting following three properties. Unless using non-default values, the last two properties are optional.

# Enable caching of FMw Discovery data and use it for other subsequent users.
# Values=true/false Default=false

# If caching of discovery data is true, this parameter indicates how long the discovery data
# from cache should be used before requiring a fresh discovery.
# Time value is in milliseconds. Default is 7200000 milliseconds.

# If caching of discovery data is true, a user logs in and a discovery session is in progress,
# this parameter indicates how long the user can wait for current discovery to complete.
# After this wait time is elapsed and discovery is still not finished: If there is already data
# in cache it will be used, else the user will launch a new discovery session.
# Time value is in milliseconds. Default is 10000 milliseconds.

    • Following is example of setting oracle.sysman.emas.discovery.wls.FMW_DISCOVERY_USE_CACHED_RESULTS=true

If new targets are added after enabling discovery cache and new targets are not displayed in fmwc, perform a manual refresh of the Farm to update the discovery cache.

Heap Resizement of SOA Server

Heap Size vale entry in last of file for SOA Servers and associated OSB.
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" == "AdminServer" ] ;
MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"
export MEM_ARGS

if [[ "${SERVER_NAME}" == *osb_server* ]] ;
MEM_ARGS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"
export MEM_ARGS
Heap Size vale entry in last of file for SOA servers.
if [[ "${SERVER_NAME}" == *soa_server* ]] ;
USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms5192m -Xmx5192m -Xgc:gencon -Xverbose:gc -Xverboselog:/u01/SOA/Middleware/java/gclog/gclog.txt -XXgcTrigger=20"

GC logs of server : Xverboselog:/u01/SOA/Middleware/java/gclog/gclog.txt

SOA server polling issue

Resolution steps for SOA file polling issue:

1. Stop the Servers (whole domain Admin server,SOA).

2. Backup the controlDir folders.
Backup and delete the Controlfiles directory , when servers starts it will be created again.
3. Delete cache, tmp
Delete tmp, cacche when server starts these directory will be craeted again.
4. Backup the FILEADAPTER_IN table and remove status value as 2 (PROCESSED).
Check if table contains file_processed status=2.
select count(*) from FILEADAPTER_IN where file_processed=2;
If above  return value is equal to row count of whole table then take a back up of table and truncate.

5. Touch the files to new timestamp.
put command : touch -m * inside locate where files are availble for pollling.
6. Restart the Servers.
Restat whole domain including Admin Server.

Now Check the server polling files or not .. hope it will start polling .
Same you can check from EM console with instance through interface.